2023 Super Blue Moon QRP

September 02, 2023


The 2023 Super Blue Moon POTA activation was an excuse to activate Rocky Mountain National Park (K-0059) and get some cool QSL cards printed up. Conditions were a bit rough for a QRP activation but I managed 40 QSO’s. Thanks to all the ops I was able to complete a QSO with and apologies to those of you that fell victim to QSB.

The next Super Blue Moon activation is scheduled for January 2037.

Super Blue Moon QRP POTA QSL Card Front Super Blue Moon QRP QSL Card


K-0059 Activation Location Scenery


Log 08.31.2023

0151 WØMM 20m 579 559
0155 W8GM 20m 599 599
0155 W7DX 20m 579 579
0156 KAØLDG 20m 579 559
0158 KJ4ASE 20m 579 559
0159 K9ABR 20m 569 559
0201 WB9CJC 20m 599 559
0201 WD5GRW 20m 599 599
0202 NX3A 20m 599 599
0203 K8LSB 20m 599 599
0205 W6BUX 20m 599 599
0206 WA6QYS 20m 579 559
0207 WB9HFK 20m 599 579
0207 N9DXP 20m 579 559
0208 WO5T 20m 569 559
0210 WA8UET 20m 339 339
0212 VE7HI 20m 579 559
0213 K6NKD 20m 599 599
0215 VE1CNS 20m 599 559
0216 K1BZ 20m 599 599
0218 AC4H 20m 559 559
0220 VE7JYD 20m 599 599
0221 WA6URY 20m 599 579
0223 KB5QHO 20m 339 559
0248 KN6OMN 40m 579 559
0250 KØITC 40m 579 529
0251 N2OG 40m 559 539
0255 WX7V 40m 569 569
0256 KD7DUG 40m 559 229
0301 AB9XI 40m 579 559
0305 KN4CQB 40m 579 339
0307 K5RX 40m 579 339
0310 K6PB 40m 579 559
0311 K8CPG 40m 449 339
0313 N3PM 40m 579 559
0320 W6TDX 40m 559 559
0322 KZ2V 40m 569 339
0324 K6MW 40m 569 229
0326 K4A 40m 339 599
0329 KCØUJC 40m 549 439
Profile picture

Written by Justin Calvert Ham radio operator, spatial software developer, and weather watcher.

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