About Me

December 22, 2022

Thanks for the QSO! Here’s a bit about me, my equipment, and interests.

CW ops 3417
SKCC 26771C
LICW 3472
Grid DN70JO
Parks on the Air POTA Profile
Mastodon Mastodon Profile
QRZ QRZ Profile



I enjoy just about every aspect of amateur radio. I am currently focused on honing my CW skills, POTA, and occasionally work FT-8. I have built a handful of my own antennas including my NVIS OCF dipole.



  • FTDX-10
  • DX Commander Classic with 80 meter
  • OCF Dipole


  • FT-891
  • Wolf River Coils SB1000
  • Ultra light EFHW
  • 41 ft. long wire
  • LDG AT-100ProII Tuner
  • Homebrew 24ah battery box

I use a mac for my main computer and a Raspberry Pi for Pat/Winlink and other radio specific activities.

Profile picture

Written by Justin Calvert Ham radio operator, spatial software developer, and weather watcher.

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