Logging POTA Contacts with RUMlogNG

January 01, 2023

RUMlogNG is very capable free logging software for Mac user. Exporting Parks on the Air contacts can be seamless if you make a couple small changes.

User Defined Logging Fields

RUMlogNG —> Preferences —> General —> User defined logging fields…

  • Field 1: Name “My Park” and chose MY_SIG_INFO for the field
  • Field 2: Name “P2P” and chose SIG_INFO for the field

During your activation log the other stations park number in the P2P field and update the My Park fields with your park number for all your contacts once your activation is complete.

Define Export Fields

Exporting POTA Logs

After you have completed your activation select the contacts in you log and choose Logbook —> Export selected QSO’s for special activity…

Exporting QSO's

In the dialog add your callsign to the activator field.

Exporting QSO's

Save the file and upload directly to the Parks on the Air app. Congratualtions, you have completed your activation! If you are uploading to QRZ you need to export a separate file (Logbook —> Export selected QSO’s as ADIF…). Once saved change the file extension to ADI and upload. RUMlogNG provides real time uploads to ClubLog and direct upload to LOTW if you configure your login information.

Happy activating!

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Written by Justin Calvert Ham radio operator, spatial software developer, and weather watcher.

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